Tuesday, December 30, 2008

All we could ask for

Christmas this year was great. There weren't a lot of presents under the tree ( we decided that w/ me in school and not working it would be better that way) but it was ok because the gifts are not what makes Christmas special.
Christmas Eve we put out the cookies and milk out for Santa. Everyone was in bed by 8:30pm (I bet Kadey was asleep not 5 minutes after her head hit her pillow.) Not sure what time Santa showed up but we know he did because the cookies and milk were gone and presents were left in their place.

On Christmas morning the girls were up and ready to go by 6:30am. Kadey tore through all the presents in no time ( even Addy's, she wasn't really into the opening as much as playing w/ her toys). Papa and Grammy (Ron&Gretchen) came over to bring the girls their presents and eat breakfast w/ us. I'm pretty sure that Kadey's favorite present is the HUGE doll house that Papa and Grammy got her. She plays w/ it for hours at a time. As for Addy, she likes whatever Kadey likes (she follows her around everywhere!)

After breakfast we got ready for Christmas at Papa and Nana'a house (Steve&Arlene) w/ great grandma. The girls had some more presents to open and great food to eat.

I hope that everyone had a memorable and merry Christmas!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Family pix

Here are the newest pictures of our family. Thank goodness my friend Lora is patient enough to take our pictures. :-) Addy got a fat lip the night before we took the pictures and then wouldn't stop sticking her tongue out. So that is why she has the rash on her chin. Why does that always have to happen right before pictures?

I think that this one is my favorite. Even tho Addy has her tongue out again.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Girls Being Girls

Since we are stuck at home w/ nothing to do I decided to take a video of the girls dancing and singing to their favorite song. Kadey dressed herself and Addy in the dresses Andrew and I brought them back from Hawaii. If you listen you can hear Addy singing oooh ooooh oooh (she is trying to sing that part in the song). I hope you enjoy my little weirdos.

Snow Days

I decided to let the girls go out and play in the snow yesterday (Kadey has been asking to since the first snowfall). I knew that Kadey was going to love it out there but I wasn't sure how well Addy would like the snow. Turns out she isn't really into it. Maybe her and Aunt Jamie can be ski bunnies in the lodge together looking cute but staying warm by the fire. :-) Kadey on the other hand had a great time running around the yard chasing the dogs and making snow angels. Right in the middle of our snow adventure Andrew came home and was more then happy to get his snow pants on and stay outside in the cold w/ Kadey while Addy and I went in to thaw out.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

A Christmas Tradition

We finally got around to getting a tree and putting it up this year.

This year we were a little late because of Hawaii and winter barrel tasting last weekend. But it finally got done and Kadey couldn't wait to trim the tree.
Addy on the other hand wasn't much help, but she did love taking the ornaments off the tree.The finished product looks pretty good even though Kadey keeps rearranging the ornaments around.

Tonight we put together the gingerbread house (our family xmas tradition).

Kadey had a lot of fun helping put the candy on the house. Although I'm not sure how many times I had to tell Andrew and Kadey to stop eating all the candy. lol

And lets not forget Addy, she helped by trying to eat the gingerbread pieces.

Our gingerbread house may not look as good as the one on the box but it was put together w/ love and that makes it special.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Reliving my Youth

It is official, I am growing up. I have finals this week and I am actually studying! Tonight I have set up the perfect little study station. Andrew had a meeting tonight and the girls are w/ Papa and Grammy so it's just me, the dogs and cat. So I figured this was the best time for me to get some studying done. I'm snuggled up on the couch w/ everything that I need to help study next to me on the end table ( index cards, notes, books, laptop and WINE). Perfect recipe for a couple A's. :-)

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Our Hawaiian Vacation

Andrew & I were finally able to go on our honeymoon this year (5 years and 2 kids later). We spent 5 days and 4 nites on the island of Oahu. We ended up spending Thanksgiving on the island and except for the fact that our girls weren't with us it was the greatest Thanksgiving I have had. We stayed on the North Shore in a "little grass shack". It was camping but better because of where we were. It was such an awesome vacation, I can't wait to go back and take the girls.

By our last day we were both a little lobster like (even w/ sunscreen on).