Christmas this year was great. There weren't a lot of presents under the tree ( we decided that w/ me in school and not working it would be better that way) but it was ok because the gifts are not what makes Christmas special.
Christmas Eve we put out the cookies and milk out for Santa. Everyone was in bed by 8:30pm (I bet Kadey was asleep not 5 minutes after her head hit her pillow.) Not sure what time Santa showed up but we know he did because the cookies and milk were gone and presents were left in their place.
On Christmas morning the girls were up and ready to go by 6:30am. Kadey tore through all the presents in no time ( even Addy's, she wasn't really into the opening as much as playing w/ her toys). Papa and Grammy (Ron&Gretchen) came over to bring the girls their presents and eat breakfast w/ us. I'm pretty sure that Kadey's favorite present is the HUGE doll house that Papa and Grammy got her. She plays w/ it for hours at a time. As for Addy, she likes whatever Kadey likes (she follows her around everywhere!)
After breakfast we got ready for Christmas at Papa and Nana'a house (Steve&Arlene) w/ great grandma. The girls had some more presents to open and great food to eat.
I hope that everyone had a memorable and merry Christmas!

You are very right! Christmas isn't about the presents at is about all the memories you make with your family. Cute pictures. Thank you so much for sharing!
Oh yes I forgot something. Can I pretty please come and play with that dollhouse!!! I am so jealous. It looks like so much fun. Have fun at Whistler.
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