Andrew & I got in two days of great skiing and one nite of some wild tubing thanks to Eric, Becca and Jared. We took Kadey out skiing 3 times and she LOVED it! She got to ski w/ her cousin Jake who is just flying down the mountain on skis now. I can't believe the difference a year makes. She is turning into a great little skiier. By the end of the trip she was even skiing w/out using the edgie wedgies! Give her a year or two and she will be skiing circles around me :-) She can't wait to go skiing again really soon!

It was great getting to see all the cousins, Aunts, Uncles and grandparents up there. Kadey & Addy had so much time playing w/ their cousins. I afternoon Hunter & I played w/ the learning clock. He loved teaching Aunt Steph to tell time. The one thing that I do regret is not taking very many pictures! What was I thinking!?!?!?!
Andrew, Ron and I decided to take a ride on the Peak 2 Peak gondola in the car w/ the glass bottom. It was amazing but I'm not sure you will get me on there ever again. It might have been the scariest 11 minutes of my life.
Coming home was an experience I will never forget. It rained from Whilster all the way to Vancouver Washington. We saw lots of houses where there was standing water in the yards creeping up to the front doors. We were lucky that we left early enough that we didn't get stuck somewhere because they closed the roads. The pass was closed so we went thru Portland once again tagging another couple hours onto our already LONG LONG LONG drive home. The girls were awesome even after 14 hours in the car( and they both woke up sick that morning YUCK). Each had her own movie on and all the snacks and drinks they could ask for. By the time we pulled into our driveway at 10pm we were all happy to be home.
All in all it was another memorable Whilster trip. Thank you to everyone who helped make it that way! We love you.
Sounds like you guys had a blast! The girls are both getting so big. Too bad it was stressful at times. Maybe next year just you guys can go somewhere warm and quiet, I know we are! =)
Its good to hear the play by play of your trip! It sounds like I may have picked a good year to stay back, 14 hours in a car!?! I would have died...
Thanks for taking pictures of the kids together, I wonder, did anyone get a group picture of all the extended cousins together?
Well, Jared & Hunter just got home snuggle time!! Love ya
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